Wednesday 3 August 2016

Again, Ortom Orders Increment of School Fees of College of Agric Yandev

In a rather desperate move to continue to unleash sufferings on the poor Benue masses, Gov. Samuel Orton has once again ordered the immediate increment of school fees for the state owned College of Agriculture Yandev, Gboko.
Since coming on board, the governor has consistently looked for ways to increase internally generated revenue without corresponding economic or social benefits to the suffering masses. 
Sources disclose that the college has since been closed down due to protest by students after management of the institution acting on the directives of the state government directed students to pay additional 25,000 (twenty five thousand naira) to the usual school fees of same amount bringing the total to 50,000 (fifty thousand naira) excluding other school charges.
Relatively, two weeks ago, a similar incidence took place at the college of education Katsina Ala. The only state owned institution left now is the one at Oju.
However, several questions as to where the monies are going to remains unclear, even as all the schools remain backward in terms of infrastructure.

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