Sunday, 6 December 2015

Hillary Clinton laughs and says Donald Trump's nothing but a 'reality TV star' but calls Jerry Falwell Jr.'s comments about Muslims 'deplorable'

Hillary Clinton laughs and says Donald Trump's nothing but a 'reality TV star' but calls Jerry Falwell Jr.'s comments about Muslims 'deplorable'

Hillary Clinton had a good laugh when ABC's This Week host George Stephanopoulos asked her about Donald Trump this morning. 
But the Democratic frontrunner struck a much harsher tone when discussing Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr's recent comments about guns and Muslims. 
'Oh, goodness gracious,' Clinton said laughing as she viewed a clip of Trump saying that she lacked the 'stamina' to be a good president. 'He's a reality TV star,' she replied when Stephanopoulos asked her to explain The Donald's appeal. 

A Tale of Two Hillarys: Clinton simply laughed when asked about Donald Trump

'And I think there's a certain attractiveness to people that here's a guy who says exactly what he believes, untrue as it may be, inflammatory as it certainly is,' the Democratic frontrunner added. 
'I mean tens of millions of people have watched him for more than a decade on TV and he is part of the celebrity culture and he will say whatever he wants to say and if he's held account, that it's not true, he just brushes it off and goes on,' Clinton continued. 
And speaking of inflammatory, Trump has said a number of things that are insulting toward Muslims.
This morning on Face the Nation he suggested he was for 'profiling' and going after the family members of suspected terrorists, suggesting that the sister of one of the San Bernardino suspects was lying. 
In recent weeks, he continually told a debunked story about 'thousands' of American Muslims celebrating on 9/11. He's even called for some sort of registration process for Muslims.  
Today, Clinton didn't really hit Trump hard, chuckling through most of the questions Stephanopoulos asked her about the GOP frontrunner, but she did call out Falwell, another major figure on the political right. 
Falwell, Stephanopoulos reminded Clinton, had urged his students at Liberty University to carry guns, suggesting a good guy with a gun could have helped stop the terrorists

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