Friday 18 December 2015

Tips on How to Celebrate Christmas Without Any Problem

Tips on How to Celebrate Christmas Without Any Problem
By - Iorkegh Donatus

Christmas season comes with a lot of expectations, a lot of anxieties and it is fun as well. Immediately December approaches, tongues starts wagging, relationships sours, and families being to tear apart because of either failure to provide money, buy clothes or Christmas gifts. But always remember that you have a new year ahead and God’s willing, there will always be another Christmas.
Here are some tips to help you stay focus throughout this Christmas period without losing 
your set goals for fantasy:


1. Do not expect too much from your spouses, girlfriend/boyfriend, father/mother, and in-laws. Expectations will only leave you disappointed when such people don’t meet them. As a matter of fact, don’t expect anything from anyone. Let everything come to you as a surprise, and that way you would appreciate the giver more.
2. Don’t spend all your life savings because of Christmas just to impress someone. Please don’t worry about people that will break up with you during this period. They will come back in January when they realize that they have been chasing goose. By then you would have gone far.
3. Most importantly, know your buying power. In short, buy your clothes in CMS if you reside in Logos, Wurukum if you reside in Benue, Sabon-Garri if you reside in Kano or Kaduna, Aba if you reside in the East.
4. Cook plenty jollof rice on Christmas day and get yourself Pepsi longer throat, after all it’s N80 in Shoprite.
5. Enjoy yourself and thank me for these tips.
Merry Christmas in advance 

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